Alcoholics Anonymous Large Print Double Book Cover


Alcoholics Anonymous Large Print Double Book Cover for the Large Print Paperback Big Book and the Large Print Paperback 12 & 12 Books. This beautiful cover is made of a durable leather-like vinyl with cardboard sown in for extra support and come with the Serenity Prayer, medallion holder, heavy-duty snap, book marks, and a pen holder. These come in various colors: choose from pink, brown, green, burgundy, blue, red, black, tan, purple.
Book Size: BB= 7″ x 10 3/16″ x 1 9/16″; 12&12= 7in x 10in x 1/2in. Medallion and Books NOT included. MADE IN THE U.S.A.


Alcoholics Anonymous Double Big Book Cover Colors LAlcoholics Anonymous Large Print Double Book Cover for the Large Print Paperback Big Book and the Large Print Paperback 12 & 12 Books. This beautiful cover is made of a durable leather-like vinyl with cardboard sown in for extra support and come with the Serenity Prayer, medallion holder, heavy-duty snap, book marks, and a pen holder. These come in various colors: choose from pink, brown, green, burgundy, blue, red, black, tan, purple. Book Size: BB= 7″ x 10 3/16″ x 1 9/16″; 12&12= 7in x 10in x 1/2in. Medallion and Books NOT included. MADE IN THE U.S.A.

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